A legacy started with great service, continued for more than 40 years

The company Kunevich & Lau was founded by Victor Lau and Steven Kunevich in 1977. Since then, Kunevich & lau has built a reputation of excellence, customer service, providing prompt and courteous service. As our business has grown, we’ve always been focused on our first priority: putting our customer‘s needs before our own needs.


At Kunevich & Lau Insurance, we realize that our business isn’t only successful from our hard work and knowledge, it’s successful because of the client relationships that we’ve built, maintained and focused on over the years.

Interested in learning more?

Contact our office today to learn how we will win your business and help you protect your personal property and assets. Please call us at: (617) 731-1015, or email us at info@weinsurema.com